Grigori Luonnotar

Issue #147 new
Tasunke Witka created an issue

10 str, +50% vs Disciples, 1 move. Its own Unitclass (Druid blocked for Grigori)

Disciple Unitcombat

240 hammers, available at Fanaticism. Requires a Level 4 unit

Starting Promotions Magic Immune, Channeling 1-2, Medic 1-3, Force 1, Studious, Temporance

At Fanaticism Technology.

Can be sacrificed to build only the first level of the Altar.

Comments (10)

  1. Tasunke Witka reporter

    Its about time that Luannotar get updated to the EitB paradigm.

    I mean, there are other alternatives, which involves making the Luannotar considerably stronger, but I'd rather just make them come earlier and cheaper.

    alternatives include having them target Disciple units first in combat outside of city, have them upgrading from Mages (to act as extra Archmages), giving them Sun 2 and Spirit 2 for free, among other possibilities. However, I think I prefer this method personally. Especially if Grigori are banned from building the Mercurian Gate, it could give them a logical reason to tech Fanaticism (on their way to Rage and Divine Essence).

    Technically we could have Luannotar at Theology, but I think that would go against the grain of the unit. Besides, its a pretty arguable foil for the Paladins and Eidolons, therefore the tech requirement makes sense.

  2. Tasunke Witka reporter

    I had forgotten in the OP, but I believe that Luannotar are classically MagicImmune.

    That being said, it would also make sense if they were 50% holy resist and 50% unholy resist. (as the One is more powerful than both good and evil lesser gods)

  3. Tasunke Witka reporter

    Since having a Fanaticism tech unit start off with Magic Immune seems a bit ... extreme ....

    I'd prefer if a Luonottar only promotion was buyable after researching Arcane Lore.

    Promotion could be called 'Ancient Lore', and it could be a special type of magic immune that also includes 50% holy resist and 50% unholy resist. I find this a better option than having Luonottar simply starting with Magic Immune.

  4. joseasoler repo owner

    I agree, they should be available earlier. Fanaticism as a tech requirement makes sense for the reasons you mention. Why the reduction in cost?

    Given that the upgrade to Luonnotar is the only upgrade path open for medics, IMO Luonnotars should only have Medic III when upgraded from Medics. They could be buffed to Medic II, though.

    What's the rationale behind those upgrade paths? Would make sense to add another upgrade path from one of the archery units?

    With regard to Magic Immunity and resistance to holy and unholy damage, a possibility is to make them start with Temperance and Magic Resistance and let them pick an unique promotion that grants them immunity at higher levels.

    With regard to spells, if they are deemed necessary, Force I and Metamagic II may also be good options. If there are an

  5. Tasunke Witka reporter

    240 hammers is fine, I was just following the previously existing paladin/eidolon patern with 160 hammers.

    Magic resist and temperance sound fine, but I'll need to research temperance and force spells. Starting with force 1 is a good idea too.

  6. Tasunke Witka reporter

    I actually like them not being able to buy Force 3 until Arcane Lore is researched and Channeling 3 bought at next level. It makes even the one tier4 spell hard to achieve for the unit, more centralizing their focus.

  7. joseasoler repo owner

    I would prefer that Luonnotar are not able to progress in the Force sphere. Temperance fits them (as it is about balance and opposing both good and evil divine forces), while Magic Missile and Summon Runewyn (both tightly tied to Force and Dagda respectively) do not. This would mean that they would get a duplicate Temperance spell, not Force I.

    It is also possible to add one or two new spells specifically for the Luonnotar. If it is deemed necessary to prevent them from having all spells since the beginning, a small promotion chain that unlocks them could be implemented.

  8. Tasunke Witka reporter

    Having only the Temporance spell is fine. If you are willing to create a duplicate temporance spell I am fine with that. I see no reason for spell progression if it requires additional spells. Therefore we can start the Luonnotar with all three Channeling promotions for all the passive exp, and no worry of tier4 spells.

    I suppose the Studious promotion will only be used by Amurite Ascended for now.

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