Studious Promotion

Issue #150 new
Tasunke Witka created an issue

This is a promotion that I believe will become useful in modding, and I have already found two uses for it.

Here I will only go into the details of the promotion itself.

A thought that comes to mind is to have it available able for all living unitcombats (everything other than Naval, Golem, and Siege) at the Omniscience Tech ... (either that or have one of the Towers, perhaps Tower of Mastery, give the promotion to new units for free)

allows to learn Channeling promotions

Comments (8)

  1. Tasunke Witka reporter

    The Details

    Channeling 1 requires Knowledge of the Ether and Studious

    Channeling 2 requires Sorcery, Channeling 1, and Studious

    Channeling 3 requires Arcane Lore, Channeling 2, and Studious

  2. joseasoler repo owner

    Shouldn't this be already possible in modding without requiring any further changes besides XML ones?

  3. Tasunke Witka reporter

    This only requires XML changes.

    If the promotion is already created in EMM however, it could be used in other modmodmods without the need for them to create an additional promotion, just to have a sense of consistency. Its why I made the promotion viable for all 3 channeling types, rather than just the ones useful to the changes I was intent on making.

  4. joseasoler repo owner

    Ah, I thought you meant making this promotion possible in case someone wanted to mod ExtraModMod to include it.

    I don't like the idea of allowing all or even some units to eventually get Channeling 3. It devaluates the role of Arcane units by taking from them something meant to be unique. Tier III spells are also balanced on the account that there are not many units that can use them.

  5. Tasunke Witka reporter

    I thought of making this promotion require Never, and only having certain rare units start with it. At least, until someone makes a new civ, or a new leader, which takes a drastic and assymetrical approach to the entire situation.

    For now, I think Studious should only go on the Amurite Ascended Immortal UU, so that it can learn higher level spells much more slowly than your typical mage unit.

  6. joseasoler repo owner

    I agree, as something unit specific, this would be a cool unique mechanic for Amurite Immortals.

  7. lfgr

    It maybe should have additional promotion requirements (f.e. combat X) then, to make it more difficult to get a channeling III immortal.

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