Grigori Unit-Upgrade Paths

Issue #151 new
Tasunke Witka created an issue

I figure that there should be a few clarifications on Grigori promotion paths, and why not make all changes here in this thread.

Axeman -> Medic

Archer -> Medic

Adept -> Medic

Horseman -> Medic

Curator(new) -> Medic

Medic -> Archmage (lv6)

Medic -> Luonnotar (lv4)

Dragon Slayer -> Luonnotar (lv4)

Longbow -> Luonnotar (lv4)

Ranger -> Luonnotar (lv4)

(Adept and Curator are implied that they will be able to upgrade to Luonnotar even without Medicine tech due to the Medic path, iirc

Comments (12)

  1. Tasunke Witka reporter

    (I had planned on making both Medic -> Archmage and Adept -> Luonnotar before I added Adept -> Medic, although iirc I have had Adept -> Medic in previous mods in the past. Curator -> Medic is a similar concept)

    (The idea of learned professionals choosing to partake in either magical studies or religious studies if they so chose ... and if there was a tier4 scientist they could upgrade to him as well, but we don't see many of those in a Fantasy mod. On a separate but parallel thought, which simultaneously occured with the lv4 requirement and full magic immunity, was the idea that, since they can learn force spells, why not allow them other spells but only IF the player chooses to focus on that Area. The Player might choose to upgrade him from a Ranger, and allow him to capture animals (maybe even capture a Dragon with Subdue beasts), or they could upgrade him from a Melee unit and allow him several choice promotions from that realm, namely ShockII, FormationII, City Raider 1-3, etc. It all depends on what sort of dual-class the player wants their Luonnotar to invest in. Granted, the Luonnotar will always have Force mana ... and at Divine Right, which would be a minor proposal, the Luonnotar could have a spell 'Word of God' or 'Will of the One' that works similar to a Druid's entangle, as a 'stronger' form of Blinding Light.)

  2. Tasunke Witka reporter

    Part of the reason why so many unit types feed into Medic and Luonnotar is that it helps to represent 'freedom of choice' that the Adventurers embody so well. It is a strong theme of the Grigori, that Cassiel wants man to choose for himself rather than to listen to the gods directly.

  3. joseasoler repo owner
    • removed responsible
    • marked as proposal

    The new upgrade path for Dragon Slayers, Longbows and Rangers seems fitting, IMO. It could be extended to also include Crossbowmen.

    I assume that a Curator would be an earlier Medic, maybe from before the Ordine Medicos were formally established; less combat strength, access to only bronze weapons and only Medic I. My issue with them is that depending on their tech requirement, they could allow the Grigori to get Medic I before other civilizations, when divine healing is supposed to be simpler and preferred. The only technology in the Medicine tech path that seems suitable both because of what it does and because it is far enough in the tree is Sanitation, but in this case you could also wait just a bit more to build Medics.

    The lore of Grigori Medics depicts them as highly specialized, completely dedicated professionals who take a vow of non-aggression. Because of this I don't picture military units suddenly deciding to become Medics as something common. Besides the Curator -> Medic path, the only other upgrade path to Medic that could be fitting to the lore (although bending it a bit) would be the Adept -> Medic path. But this path introduces two gameplay problems. Since upgrading an Adept to Medic creates a unit with abilities it could not get otherwise (Channeling promotion and spells) no one would build Medics directly (or any Curators, if they are introduced) in favor of just upgrading an Adept. Besides this, since Luonnotar have Channeling III, an Adept -> Medic -> Luonnotar path allows them to act as Archmages that would be arguably better than the real Archmages while requiring a completely different technology and not having weird requirements like the Amurite High Priest + Govannon combo. Because of this every player would prefer this upgrade path to Luonnotar over the other ones you are suggesting, and these pseudoarchmages would become the dominant Grigori strategy.

    Allowing a unit with no arcane experience at all to become an Archmage seems too farfetched to me.

    Because of all these reasons, I suggest keeping only the following upgrade paths. If Curators are finally deemed as a good addition they could also get new upgrade paths of their own.

    Curator -> Medic

    Medic -> Luonnotar (lv4)

    Dragon Slayer -> Luonnotar (lv4)

    Longbow -> Luonnotar (lv4)

    Ranger -> Luonnotar (lv4)

    Crossbowman -> Luonnotar (lv4)

  4. Tasunke Witka reporter

    I had not intended on giving Medic1 to the Curator.

    Curator is more of a scholarly man, perhaps with some public speaking/oratory skills.

    He is intended to spread cultural thought. Meanwhile the Medic is a Professional(Doctor) that uses science as a way to heal people.

  5. Tasunke Witka reporter

    The point of the Studious Promotion is that Luonnotar would be stuck as psuedo mages until Arcane Lore or Strength of Will (whichever tech unlocks the Channeling 3 promo for Luonnotar), and keep in mind that buying channeling 3 would cost an additional level.

    That being said, I wouldn't mind just the Typical Luonnotar (without any adept options) at Magic Immune, req. lv 4, and Channeling 1-3 for all 3 force promotions as well as higher passive exp growth.

    I still think that Studious could be used for the Amurite Ascended.

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