New Museum Proposal

Issue #153 resolved
Tasunke Witka created an issue
                     The New Proposal

120 hammers, at Education

+20% culture, +1 bard slot, +1 happiness with Scholarship, +1 Adv points

                     The Old Proposal

At Education, double construction speed with Cultural Trait

100 hammers, 10% culture, +1 :) w/ Marble, +1 :) w/ Scholarship, increased chance of adventurer spawn

(This is the option that I prefer)


1) 100 hammers, 10% culture, +1 :) w/ Marble, +1 :) w/ Scholarship, increased chance of adventurer spawn

2) 100 hammers, 10% culture, +1 :) w/ Marble, +1 :) w/ Scholarship, +1 sage slot

3) 120 hammers, 10% culture, +1 :) w/ Marble, +1 :) w/ Scholarship, +1 sage slot, increased chance of adventurer spawn

4) 120 hammers, 10% culture, 10% science, +1 :) w/ Marble, +1 :) w/ Scholarship, +1 sage slot, +1 bard slot

5) 120 hammers, 20% culture, +1 :) w/ Marble, +1 :) w/ Scholarship, +1 sage slot, +1 bard slot

6) 150 hammers, 10% culture, 10% science, +1 :) w/ Marble +1 :) w/ Scholarship, +1 sage slot +1 bard slot ... increased chance of Adventurer Spawn

7) 150 hammers, 20% culture, +1 :) w/ Marble +1 :) w/ Scholarship, +1 sage slot +1 bard slot, increased chance of Adventurer Spawn

-> The options with 2 specialist slots should require Writing instead of Education

Comments (23)

  1. joseasoler repo owner
    • removed responsible
    • removed version
    • marked as proposal
    • marked as minor

    Museums are expensive because the role they play is similar to the one of religion temples. It should be expensive for the Grigori to get them. I agree that 220 may be too expensive, but 100 is too cheap (it would be even cheaper than the temples). The happiness with Scholarship and 10% culture seem like fitting additions. What is the reasoning for allowing the Museum to grant Adventurer points?

  2. Tasunke Witka reporter

    I see now that I was looking at the Pagan Temple and you were looking at the Religious temples.

    Pagan Temple is 100 hammers, 10% culture bonus, +2 potential happy, 1 priest slot

    Religious Temple is 120 hammers, 20% culture bonus, +2 potential happy, 2 priest slots

    For the Museum I was trying to decide between bard and sage slot, and also trying to figure out whether I wanted Adventurer GPP. However with the Adventurer Counter system in EMM the 'GPP' aspect, and therefore the counter aspect, might not be needed. It does fit though, for instance if the Museum contained the stories or epics of heroes, along with other historical artifacts. Museums can contain Art, History, Science, and also Entertainment. I figured the historical side could entice a few young souls to switch to a life of adventuring. As my museum idea is not just for EMM but for EitB and Naval AI as well, I was considering it primarily from a GPP angle. Granted I do heartily enjoy the adventurer counter being separate, especially when I play Grigori ^_^

    Therefore I see several possibilities here. If we can agree on the Curator unit, and since Curators come from Museums, and since only Religious Temples, and not Pagan Temples, create missionary type units ... then perhaps we could switch to the religious temple model.

    A few ideas for consideration by the Public

    1) 120 hammers, 10% culture, 10% science, +1 :) w/ Marble, +1 :) w/ Scholarship, +1 sage slot, +1 bard slot

    2) 150 hammers, 10% culture, 10% science, +1 :) w/ Marble +1 :) w/ Scholarship, +1 sage slot +1 bard slot ... increased chance of Adventurer Spawn

    3) 100 hammers, 10% culture, +1 :) w/ Marble, +1 :) w/ Scholarship, +1 sage slot

    4) 120 hammers, 10% culture, +1 :) w/ Marble, +1 :) w/ Scholarship, +1 sage slot, increased chance of adventurer spawn

    As you can see, the first two are modified religious temples, and the second two are modified pagan temples.

  3. Tasunke Witka reporter

    In my opinion the main reason why Museums should have equivalent cost is precisely because their utility is so much lower.

    For instance, Empyrean Temple gives +20% culture AND +10% science, AND you can build the powerful Ratha and Radiant Guard units

    with Museums, you get one less bonus, plus you can't build any additional units other than the weak (yet useful) curator.

    A religious nation can build 6 temples, each with unique function, and can get A LOT of function from the temple of their state religion. A spiritual nation even gets each temple at half off! While the grigori only asks for this one knock-off temple ;)

    Therefore I see the Museum as roughly equivalent in price (and even then, when you look at the facts the museum is less efficient, in that it has one less bonus .... although perhaps that is balanced by the fact that a sage might seem more useful than a priest depending on circumstance)

  4. Tasunke Witka reporter

    I am considering either double speed with cultural or double speed with marble (only mable if adv point is removed)

    Overall without the adv point its a marginal building at best, except that its curator production makes its potential utility rather high.

    The +1 adv point could do with or without, but since I removed the marble happiness (which always seemed a bit awkward imho), and didn't add a separate happiness source, and since there is no second slot, I think that the 1 adv point is safe to be added for both lore and mechanical reasons.

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