Assassin UU changes

Issue #155 new
Tasunke Witka created an issue

Amurite Chanter

Channeling 1, Dimension1, Shadow1, Body1, Earth2, and Marksman

Sidar Ghost

Hidden, Stealth, Marksman +10% withdrawal, +50% city defense

Grigori Assassin -> Add Scourge

(And New)

Mercurian Assassin -> either 'Matyr Blades' or 'Demon Hunter'

5/3 +1 holy damage

Infernal Assassin -> 'Demon Blade' or 'Executioner'

5/3 +1 unholy damage

Comments (19)

  1. Tasunke Witka reporter

    Channeling2 on Chanter might be a bit too strong perhaps .... but Earth2 (and perhaps even Water2) would be things that would be interesting to explore with the chanter unit ... allowing for strange mobile water forces with Firebows, Priests AND assassin units.

    Having fire2 or death2 on the assassins though might be a bit too much, so if you could just keep them from learning certain spells it might work.

    Of the spells I'm giving them from the get go, Earth2 could be replaced with Water2 .... if they could have Channel 2 I wouldn't give them a second level from the get go, but one or both of these 2nd level spells could help them keep up with a late-game govannon army w/o being a 'part' of that army.

    If they had channeling 2 I'd probably take away all spells ... maybe keep Dimensional1.

  2. joseasoler repo owner
    • changed version to 0.5.0
    • marked as major
    • edited description

    With Govannon, and Channeling 2 Chanters, you would have a bunch of high mobility mages with Marksman. I don't think that strategy should be allowed. I could see them using Dimensional 2, though.

    I'm not sure about the Sidar Ghost change either. They already have their share of unique recon abilities, and they would be stealing the Amurite unique recon ability too.

    I like the idea of giving Grigori Assassins Scourge. This change to the Grigori will probably be included in 0.5.0.

  3. Tasunke Witka reporter

    Ok, do no channeling 2 for chanter.

    Then I'd propose shadow1, body1, nature1, dimension1, earth2.

    For ghost I still think that +25% withdrawal and dimension1 would both be appropriate but the withdrawal increase is certainly the more thematic half of that equation. And speaking of thematic, giving the ghost a city defense bonus instead of defense penalty makes a lot of sense, due to the thematic theme of the sidar, especially as the sidar focus on both defense and assassins in the same measure. Finally, this bonus would not be seen often, as it would require catching a ghost inside a city, thus most likely helping the AI most of all.

  4. Tasunke Witka reporter

    Ghost: abilities

    Hide, sever soul

    25% withdrawal, -50% city attack, +50% city defense, marksman

  5. joseasoler repo owner

    It seems to me like the Chanter would be a bit overpowered with all those spheres, specially Body I and Earth II. What about giving him only Shadow I and Nature I in addition to Dimensional I? I'd increase its production cost a bit too, though.

    I'll answer about the ghost in the forum thread later, although I like the general idea of giving them both withdrawal increase and either neutral city defense or even a slight bonus.

  6. joseasoler repo owner

    I'm fine with the Ghost changes, as long as it also gets it cost increased (150 maybe?). A good marksman defender that is not a national unit seems a bit powerful IMO.

    What is the reasoning behind the Infernal and Mercurian assassins?

  7. Tasunke Witka reporter

    The reasoning behind the Infernal/Mercurian assassins would be that, curently, their factions assassins seem just as weak at killing demons/angels as a mere mortal's faction. Since angels and demons are both completely immune to poison damage. However switching that to holy/unholy allows for their enemy to feel the full force of their assassins.

  8. Tasunke Witka reporter

    The city defense was more imho to justify the cost of ghosts ... but perhaps if at 120 hammers a simple neutrality to city defense would be best. Making them more expensive might make sense in some respects, however keeping them at a state that is still considered balanced at 120 hammers might be more preferable, as there are no alternative units in the same position (marksman).

    Now, if ghosts were turned into a separate unitclass, and normal assassins were introduced to the Sidar, then having more expensive, invisible assassins that can defend cities well .... well I'd be fine with that. (if both 120 assassins and 150? ghosts were buildable)

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