Sheaim Torture Chamber (Dungeon UB) and Tortured Souls Unit (additional Sheaim unitclass))

Issue #159 new
Tasunke Witka created an issue

Torture Chamber -> 120 hammers, Masonry Tech

-50% War Weariness (instead of 25%)

Has a 50% chance of adding 'Tortured Souls' promotion to new Units. (coded like the Asylum's chance to add crazed to units)

Tortured Souls promotion -> Functions similar to 'Stigmata'

gives a strength bonus of AC / 2 (between AC values of 0 - 100)

This somewhat ties in to a slight buff of Stigmata, granting Stigmata itself not only the AC strength boost but also 20% death/poison resist, 10% fire resist, 50% unholy resist.

Planar Gate summon with Torture Chamber presence. (Fury)

Fury - 8 str +25% city attack (cannot use metal weapons)

or 6 str +25% city attack, can use metal weapons

--> Starts with Crazed. Creates Chaos Mauraders with Victorious combat

(Old Version -> Tortured Souls unit)

Sheaim can now build two types of adepts. The typical 3 str, 1 move living adept with KotE + Mage Guild ... and they can also build the Tortured Souls unit. a 4/3 str, 1 move demon race adept requiring KotE + Torture Chamber. They are separate unitclasses, with the souls requiring Torture Chamber as a specific building type requirement, RATHER than dungeon as a buildingclass requirement. This allows the unitclass to not be blocked from other civs manually.

Tortured Souls is a Demon Race unit and will use the Mane unitart.

4 attack, 3 defense, 1 movement, Arcane unitcombat, Channeling 1, 90 hammers. The unit will also gain +25% city attack, and can upgrade into Mages at level 4

I would say that the +25% city attack is fairly moderate considering that alternative city-attackers (for most civs) are far more hammer efficient.

This unit does 2 things for the Sheaim. It gives them a bit more power in the early game, and more importantly, to get the Demon Racial into the Sheaim arcane line, so that Sheaim arcane are more resistant to the Armageddon than most.

The typical civ gets 4 str warriors at 25 hammers apiece, and 5 str axemen at 45 hammers apiece.

Calabim Moroi are still at 60 hammers, BUT they get a bonus to direct damage, which can increase their chances of surviving the combat. Pyre Zombies on the other hand only become 'special' when they are killed. Which is why I am inclined to add some collateral damage to the unit, to gain some additional functionality for when they are actually successful (and, most importantly, it still makes sense, since a giant fiery man is charging into an army and killing some people). Adding collateral to the PZ makes more sense than removing the damage cap to the PZ. That damage cap is there for a damn good reason.

So typically you have 4 at 25 and 5 at 45 ... but with the Sheaim you have 3 at 25, and 5 at 60. And possibly 3 at 90 if you take into count 1 skeleton for each adept.

What I want for the Tortured souls is primarily to create demon mages and demon archmages (by upgrading Tortured to mages), but it also has great potential to add a bit of strength to the Sheaim arcane line. These attack bonuses DO NOT carry over into mages and archmages .... so Tortured are better attackers than mages, but only when attacking into cities. At 90 hammers they aren't what you'd call 'efficient' attackers, but it could come handy in a quick pinch (during a bloody war where suddenly you ask yourself ... do you start risking your adepts in combat?)

Comments (10)

  1. joseasoler repo owner

    I like the Torture Chamber. It fits both the lore and the strategy of the Sheaim. Do you have any suggestions with regard to art for it?

    I don't like the Tortured Souls, though. Is there any hint about their existance in the lore? Also, I don't see why anyone would build normal adepts if these are available, since it is far more interesting to have demon mages and archmages than normal units. For making an arcane unit more resistant to the apocalypse, a unique promotion sounds more suitable to me.

  2. Tasunke Witka reporter

    Torture chamber is fine by itself ... But if by itself should be 120 hammers like normal dungeon.

    Tortured Souls could instead be a possible planar gate spawn. I like that idea ^_^

    I agree that a unique promo would be good to align oneself more easily with the Armageddon. I had thought of making a new unit 'fury' to have as the planar gate spawn. Would have been a stronger lunatic with succubus art, essentially. Would spawn chaos mauraders with victories. Part of a planar gate overhaul project. Should probably most more on planar gates later on in the week.

    Dungeon art could still be used for torture chamber, but I'll take a later look to see If I can't find something better. Something depicting a pit with spikes might work, and I think there is art like that on civfanatics. I used to know the guy who did pillar of chains art, he'd be useful right about now :)

  3. Tasunke Witka reporter

    Perhaps we should just add Fury as the gate spawn and add demonic race to möbius witches. Probably best choice IMHO. Fury could replace chaos maurader as the 'Wrath' spawn, as each spawn is attached to a deadly sin. Tar demon is sloth, succubus is lust, I forget the rest. I think reveler was greed. Reveler should have marksman IMHO. Also, tar demon should have walls as its building, or palisades. The idea is to increase the utility of planar gates both directly and indirectly. I believe that fury is the only necessary addition, but we could add a stronger vet of pitbeast in its place. IMHO manticore was gluttony, and I suppose Minotaur was pride. That leaves only envy, which is the möbius witch I believe. I could be switching the reveler and möbius witch sins, but I do not believe that I am.

  4. Tasunke Witka reporter

    I would probably prefer a Balor or Fallen angel for pride tbh. Minotaurs can make Do for now though I suppose.

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