Sheaim Palace buff (+2 max skeletons)

Issue #160 new
Tasunke Witka created an issue

Like the Tower of Necromancy, I feel that the Sheaim palace should increase the player's max skeleton amount. Since the Palace comes as early as turn zero, I feel that +2 is an appropriate bonus. (iirc Necromancy tower gives +5)

Early game the maximum number would be the number of Adepts +2

With the Necromancy Tower, max number would be # of Adepts +7

Comments (7)

  1. Tasunke Witka reporter

    I realize that in essence this gives 5 'free' warriors 5 turns after the first Sheaim magical unit gains Death1. However, assuming 1 adept, this also means that it will take 6 turns to summon an additional 5 extra. Assuming 2 adepts, it will take 4 turns to summon the additional 5 extra, and assuming 3 adepts, it will take 3 turns to summon the additional 5 extra . At 4 adepts it would take 3 turns to summon all 5 extra, and at 5 adepts it would take 2 turns to summon the 5 extra. It will never take less than 2 turns to summon the additional 5 extra, assuming that we are starting from zero skeletons, which would make sense for maintenance reasons.

    (each calculation assumes starting at zero skeletons)

  2. Tasunke Witka reporter

    Somewhat related, I think it'd be cool if some sort of late game building buffed max skeletons by +1 a pop. At first I thought maybe something early, or maybe something sheaim specific ... But what about Alchemy labs? :)

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