City ruins on MapScripts

Issue #166 closed
joseasoler repo owner created an issue

Erebus Continent has an option for placing city ruins. This should be made available to all MapScripts as a map option, disabled by default.

Comments (5)

  1. Tasunke Witka

    Question: City Ruins?

    -> can be pillaged by anything, will the barbarians pillage these before we ever see them?

    -> can be sanctified, is this to give the Good nations an additional chance to delay the appocalypse?

    -> don't do anything else (so far as I am aware)

    If the City Ruins are indeed graphical, then I would perhaps consider having this option 'off' by default.

  2. lfgr

    I think this option was intended for RifE, which has explorable "ancient city ruins". The map script tools just use normal city ruins for other Modmods.

    I'm pretty sure barbs will not pillage them.

  3. Tasunke Witka

    Hmm ...

    Well, tbh I like this idea of 'explorable ancient city ruins'.

    How about, after 50 turns a City Ruins turns into an Ancient City Ruins (and therefore can be explored).

    Then Sanctify can remove both City Ruins and ANCIENT City Ruins ... (without having to explore it) - a short-cut to remove the lair.

  4. joseasoler reporter
    • edited description

    You are right; I thought that this would be purely cosmetical in ExtraModMod but I forgot about the Sanctify mechanic. When/if this is included, it won't be enabled by default.

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