Altar of Ceridwen (Building) and Soldier of Nyx (Unit), plus a Judecca revisited.

Issue #168 new
Tasunke Witka created an issue

Altar of Ceridwen

requires Dimensional Mana, Arcane Lore, and 30 AC

200 Hammers, +2 sage slots, +2 sage GPP

+50% production with Obsidian

Can airlift 4 (additional) units per turn. (or 1 additional is fine)

adds Balor (pride) to the list of possible Planar Gate spawns (replaces Minotaur which is normally allowed by Obsidian Gate)

Could technically be a UB of the Obsidian Gate I suppose.

Allows production of 'Soldier of Nyx' at 200 hammers IF Infernal Pact is also researched.

Nyx Soldier requires 50 AC, Infernal Pact, and Altar of Ceridwen

4 str, +2 uholy damage, can use metal weapons, 1 movement (Melee unitcombat)

Channeling 1-3, starts with dimension1 and entropy1.

(Old Versions ALL)

Cambion Citizens (BUILDING) -> also known as 'half demon citizens'

equivalent cost to Recycling center in BTS? Maybe? 100-200 hammers? (will look at cost later)

Requirement: Infernal Pact tech

Requirement: Sheaim Civ

can 'build' this after Infernal Pact tech is researched, does not require Veil state religion to employ. Increases unhealth by 2, and REMOVES all unhealth created by the population.

(Current AC iteration, this building does not increase the AC. After AC changes are made, this building will most likely increase the AC)

#Judecca (Sheaim Hero/ Additional Religioius hero, tied to Life3/ Ressurection)

Available at Infernal Pact so long as the Sorcery Tech has been researched as well (requires those two technologies).

Also requires Ashen Veil state religion and will iabandon if state religion changes (the only Sheaim unique Veil feature that does this)

6 str +2 unholy, 2 movement, Channeling 1-3, ashen veil unit religion, divine promotion.

Arcane UNITCOMBAT (can learn spells). 240 hammers

Is a Profane/ Archmage hybrid without any healing capabilities. (there should be a stories thread somewhere on Civfanatics that includes a great many stories, including the exploits of my version of Judecca. Magister's version has him as a Demon Lord, and one of the 7 summonable Civ-leading Demon lords, and a magic based one at that, irrc). When first living, he was one of the Patrian kings, one of Kylorin's students, and he was the highest Archmage of (I forget which sphere). After Kylorin initiated the Civil War against his own students, Judecca was lost/ not heard from again. This was iirc the second and final civil war of the Patrian nation, and I believe that this was some time after the Bannor had already split from the rest of Patria. (The Bannor viewed Patria as corrupt and depraved, and viewed magical research as the source of this corruption. They worshipped Bhall at this time and used holy fire, at that time unable to harm the innocent, to judge man). It is my lore theory that he slipped down into Bradeline's Well, or any of the Wells, and instead of going to the Shadow Realm he went down into the pits of hell and there he was recruited as a holy leader/ magical researcher. Magister would have him be a leader of weak physical form that focuses on magical study. I would have him be a fanatic 'soldier' of agares that studies both the arcane and religious components of magic. Granted his strength with spells should likely be his highest strenght. He isn't exactly the compassionate sort, and his plans are largely that of nightmare fuel for most, therefore he has no healing capabilities whatsoever.

In the past I've considered certain 'unique spells' particularly for Judecca (primarily one that sacrifices pop to summon permanent Balors), but as this is now a Civ Specific thing I would be hesitant to do so. I'll keep you updated :)

#Nyx Gate (Building) Req. Malevolent Designs. cost yet to be decided.

This is a gate directly to Nyx (or if we want a version that can access the other vaults, we could call it Demonic Gate). Nyx is where the strongest of the Demons lie in wait, having been created by the machine of hell, to invade Erebus. Hyborem and his armies gather in Nyx before they are summoned to Erebus, but they are just the tip of the Iceberg. Further demons created by the Infernals are brought up from Nyx, or the other vaults, in exchange for the souls that Hyborem has gathered in Erebus, which he gives back to the Machine of Hell (upgrading Manes).

The Sheaim Nyx gate would be available at Malevolent Designs. It would allow the Sheaim to build demonic champions, and it would also give Planar Gates the chance to Spawn the Balor unit.

(There are several options here. Thoughts? I think if it ONLY gave the Planar Gates a chance to spawn Balors it'd be too weak, but if it spawned them directly ... it might be too strong if ALL cities were spawning Balors ALL the time. Therefore I think this was a happy medium, it gives an odd sort of 'tier 3' option for melee at a completely separate tech. I would advise such demonic Champions have an AC requirement of 30, and be 180 hammers rather than 120 hammers. In that way the flavor of 'lack of melee' would remain, while they COULD get melee utility with this late tech + high AC. This would increase their demonic theme (Os Gabella lore), and their Armageddon theme (Sheaim lore in general, particularly Os Gabella).

If there was an appocalyptic Trait, Os would have Appocalyptic/ Summoner or Appocalyptic/ Spiritual , while Tebryn would have Arcane/Summoner or Appocalyptic/Arcane.

My advice would be, to increase variety and choice, give Os Appocalyptic/Spiritual and Tebryn Arcane/Summoner. I think there would be some serious fan backlash if Summoner was removed from the Sheaim civ, so whatever, whateeever you do, always keep a summoner leader for the Sheaim :D

I can't think of an Appoc trait right now, but just throwing it out there. Spi/Sum for Os is naturally fine.

#Soldier of Nyx (Unit) 160 hammers, requires 30 AC. 6 str, melee, can use all metal weapons. Requires Nyx Gate (Malevolent Designs).

-> favored of Ceridwen, Sheaim have Ceridwen as their patron god. Nyx was created/destroyed by Agares and facilitated into the final stage of the Hell Machine by Ceridwen. The leaders of the Soldiers are the Balors, the Demon Lords, and stronger beasts (like Messhaber). The soldiers themselves are ready to fight for Agares, Ceridwen, and their combat leaders. After building the Nyx Gate, the Sheaim may begin to recruit Nyx Soldiers for their own personal aims ... even against Hyborem ... because in Hell, competition is mandatory.

Testing is required as to whether the Nyx Gate should be a national wonder, or a building that you can build anywhere.

Comments (8)

  1. Tasunke Witka reporter

    Gonna try rethinking campion citizens

    Currently repurposed/ rethinking the Altar of Ceridwen (formerly known as nyx gate)

    Rethinking Judecca. Available for anyone, perhaps easier to get for Sheaim. Currently a disciple unit with fire, entropy, and shadow arcane spells. 3 versions. 1 for sheaim, 1 for hippus, and 1 for the rest. Hippus and layman versions are hard to get.

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    Perhaps Judecca could be an Archmage with Divine, would that work - ie would the Divine spells still work?

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