Demon Altar changes

Issue #169 new
Tasunke Witka created an issue

EitB plans on changing the Demon Altar to a national wonder, and have Beasts of Agares require this building.

This has inspired me to create a separate national wonder that Beasts of Agares require. The reason for my reaction is that the National Wonder change is an overreaction to the Beasts of Agares strategy, and imho just comes across as an Infernals nerf, which makes no sense given the Infernals' success rate in PBEMs.

I would advise that EitB adopt a similar option if they wish to limit Beasts of Agares.

---> New National Wonder 'Shrine to Agares' (or Shrine of Agares, or Agares Shrine)

requires a Demon Altar in the city, requires at least 2 demon altars total.

Demon Altar grants +2 demon exp and free Scourge to all new units.

'Shrine to Agares' would grant +4 undead exp, +2 additional demon exp, as well as grant a free Angel Slaying promotion to all new units.

----> This is an additional layer of hammers that further delays the onset of the 'Beastappocalypse'. The Beastappocalypse could be more easily avoided if

1) Righteousness and Malevolent designs still required Fanaticism


2) if Paladins and Eidolons were moved back to these late-game religions and restored to their original strengths (with maybe even a slight boost to the unit, either with raw strength or some other function)

--> With Stronger Paladins, and the additional tech requirement, Beasts of Agares would no longer be as 'strong' even without this gimmicky national wonder thing. Paladins and Beasts are kind of pitted against each other within the design, and in the current version, assuming Beasts, Pallies don't stand much of a chance. Not to mention the fact that evil civs typically get both Eidolons AND Beasts, while good civs only get Paladins.

Granted, I still like the Agares Shrine idea (somewhat) because it

1) allows a balanced Beasts production line given the odd religious changes in EitB


2) allows demons access to Angel Slaying promotion

A much more PRESSING matter is how ridiculously unhelpful Human Sacrifices are. Currently the tech gain by sacrificing your mid to high level units is NEVER worthwhile. If sacrificing a high level unit was more closely associated with a great person pop (level of utility) then I think it would be a much more used function.

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