Mobius Witch Spell List (Issue)

Issue #171 new
Tasunke Witka created an issue

Thematic Sphere realignment.

I would advise removing Spirit, Life, Creation, and Law from the Mobius Witch spell list, and adding Ice and Metamagic. If you need your spell list to remain the same size you can replace the other two with Water2 and Earth2, as those are fairly harmless when it comes to spells.

It is true that Ice and Metamagic are more rare, but you'd still need the Strength of Will tech to get the level3 versions of the spell ... and the only real advantage here is that the Sheaim might get Metamagic2 (dispel) before even the Amurites ... but that is a VERY unlikely occurrence. Still, something that would seem more than possible with the aid of the Goddess of Dimensions (Ceridwen). And as the Mobius witch is the embodiement of the ENVY sphere, it would make sense that there would be certain spells beyond her reach (the pure good spells), while other, more rare yet more thematically appropriate spheres, she would snatch up with a tenacious veracity.

The only real question here, imho, is whether to keep the Sun sphere for Mobius witches, or to replace it with Dimensional 2.

Comments (5)

  1. joseasoler repo owner

    List size is not an issue. Since Spirit and Life were already present in vanilla FFH2, IMO it is intended for Mobius Witches to have a chance to start with those spheres. I wouldn't mind giving them Metamagic and Ice too.

  2. Tasunke Witka reporter

    So to clarify ... We aren't reducing the list any, but only adding Ice and Metamagic?

    I can live with that. If that's your mod's conclusion I might go ahead and change it on mine ... I don't technically mind the Mobius having access to all mana types, as it does somewhat fit Ceridwen's lore ... (Ceridwen first taught Kylorin, and Kylorin had knowledge of all 21 spheres) .... I primarily wanted to include meta and ice.

    I'm also working on the iMax and iMulti equations (i've got some semi-complex continuous functions that will work nicely) ... I've completed the equations, and will report once I confirm that the code works as intended.

  3. Tasunke Witka reporter

    To clarify (on the difference between the gods), Oghma is considered the gatherer of all knowledge, while Ceridwen is considered the goddess of magic specifically.

    (Mammon=Mind, and Ceridwen=Magic, could therefore be considered two aspects of Oghma's knowledge, much like all other spheres are aspects of Oghma's knowledge. Ceridwen's sphere of choice, as it were, would be Dimensional magic, and between being the goddess of magic, and having supremacy over all interplanar travel ... it could be said that Ceridwen is the most powerful god (other than the one) and that if anyone could kill the One (somehow) that it would be Ceridwen.

    Agares wants to end Erebus as some massive tantrum, where he wants to fight the one again even though he knows there is no hope for outright victory ... while when it comes to Ceridwen, its possible that she plans to use the Appocalypse in some way to, perhaps, trick the one into dying. If that were to occur, Ceridwen would have absolute supremacy (if not upon Erebus, then at least within the Aether)

    Meanwhile Oghma is moreso the brainiac ... so he would likely know everything about all the spheres, but perhaps not the power, time, or willpower necessary to act upon such knowledge ... as his primary objective is the gathering of new knowledge ... while Ceridwen actually plans on using her knowledge. (even if its scope is slightly more limited, both know at least something of all 21 spheres).

    It is a fine distinction, and I think it is moreso the traits of Dimensional Magic itself rather than Ceridwen which has Meta in the center of the sphere grid ... if anything Ceridwen would be at the center of the 'god grid' if there were such a thing ... the power of the sphere and the power of the god aren't always directly tied. It is Ceridwen that works all of the connections between the planes ... concerning the game, this means the connections between Erebus and each God's vault. It is Ceridwen working with Agares that technically gives each of the gods the ability to use their power, as it was Agares + Ceridwen that hid away entire planes of magical energy before the one stripped away their true power. In a way you could think of it as if each god is addicted to his or her power, and Agares is supplying the Drug to keep them in the game, with the intent to corrupt all of creation (including his brother gods) into fighting against 'the one'. Out of anger primarily, as he feels abandoned by the one. If the other gods stopped getting their magic from Agares, they'd likely become mortal, or at least they'd be released from their Sphere and its influence upon them. The good gods feel that they must control all of creation to help prevent the corruption of Agares ... but honestly if they left the game Agares would likely just curl into a ball and weep in despair of all eternity (granted, a 50% chance that he'd go ahead and destroy all of creation before so, as he destroyed all of his OWN creations upon a whim) but still, he would be defeated (and it is my belief that if all the other gods left the game, the one would intervene if it was only Agares and Ceridwen were still wielding their power upon creation). Agares doesn't care about whether creation lives or dies, but only that his brothers and sisters continue to battle him until they are as despair ridden as he. Sirona stays in the game because she has hope (Hope was Agares former sphere, Sirona had to take it on), she has hope that she can bring Agares back to the side of the good ... but as long as Ceridwen holds influence over him, this is not likely to happen.

  4. joseasoler repo owner

    Mobius Witches will have access to Ice and Metamagic in 0.4.0. I have edited this task to make it a proposal for the other suggestions.

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