Black mirror and illusions potential exploits

Issue #202 closed
joseasoler repo owner created an issue

This is a list of possible exploits to check for units created by the black mirror and, in general, all illusion units.

Mirrored units should not get promotions which use iModifyGlobalCounter (Prophecy Mark).

Illusions should not be able to cast any spell that uses iChangePopulation, ConvertUnitType, SpreadReligion, or CreateBuildingType

Illusions should not be able to cast Arena Battle, Domination, Form Wolf Pack, Impersonate leader, Kidnap, Peace, Recruit (Donal), Sacrifice at altar, Sacrifice at the pyre, Sell animal, Sever soul, Steal, Join Great General.

Illusions cannot spread religions (disciples), create great works (disciples), add production to the city (soldiers of kilmorph) or join city as great person (shades)

Illusions cannot be upgraded.

Illusions cannot create units via UnitCreateFromCombat.

Comments (5)

  1. Tasunke Witka

    Hmm .... so you'd have to wane Gibbon Goetia first (as Sidar), and then you'd have to cast black mirror, and join city as the illusion wane .... but this requires having the Dark Elves in the game, and capturing the black mirror :D

    which means killing them sure ... but u also have to wait until they build Alazkan/they have poisons :D

    Sounds like an interesting strat to me! :D

  2. joseasoler reporter

    Bear in mind that these are potential issues I brainstormed. It is entirely possible that they do not happen in the current code. For the specific case you mention, I don't think it is logical to be able to create a court of infinite, dead heroical illusionary clones in one of your cities. I'd also like to fix the infinite Rathus Denmora shades exploit in the future, BTW.

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