Reorder game options

Issue #246 resolved
joseasoler repo owner created an issue

This option must be the first one

Advanced Start

Barbarians and animals

Raging Barbarians (Challenge)

Barbarian World (Challenge)

No Barbarians

No Tribal Villages


No Lairs (This option will end up being removed)

No Acheron

No Orthus


Aggressive AI (Challenge)

No AI Building Requirements (Challenge)

AI No Minimum Levels (Challenge)


Blessing of Amathaon

Living World

All Unique Features

No Unique Features

End of Winter (Challenge)

No Duin


High to Low

Increasing Difficulty

Flexible Difficulty

Slower XP (Challenge)

Armageddon counter

Last Days

Hallowed Ground

Compact Enforced

No Hell Terrain

War and peace

Permanent Alliances

Always War

Always Peace

Permanent War or Peace

No Vassal States

Require Complete Kills

Puppet States



One City (Challenge)

No Settlers (Challenge)

No City Razing

No City Flipping From Culture

City Flipping after Conquest

Flavour Start


Unrestricted Leaders

Allow Scenario Leaders

Allow Extra Leaders


Technology Propagation

No Technology Trading

No Technology Brokering


Remove Fellowship of Leaves

Remove The Order

Remove Octopus Overlords

Remove Runes of Kilmorph

Remove The Ashen Veil

Remove The Empyrean

Remove The Council of Esus

Advanced options

No World Spells

New Random Seed on Reload

Lock Modified Assets

Debug- Disable Events

Advanced Tactics (Advanced Tactics is considered an advanced option because ExtraModMod is designed supposing that this option is always on.)

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