General balance issues

Issue #25 wontfix
joseasoler repo owner created an issue

Originally Posted by [to_xp]Gekko
re: no mithril axes. with mithril they become strictly better than champions, due to much cheaper cost and small strength difference. you could consider letting pyre zombies use mithril since they lack t3/t4 melee.

Quote: Originally Posted by [to_xp]Gekko
re: blur/shadowalk. shadowwalk is useless since no one builds walls etc anyway. blur on the other hand is excellent. seems right to make the more uncommon ability ( DS immunity ) at t2 to balance em out.

Comments (8)

  1. joseasoler reporter

    Originally Posted by [to_xp]Gekko Monks could start with Mobility 1, if you have imported the eitb buffs for paramanders and crusaders, they become even less worth building.

  2. joseasoler reporter

    Give units above warrior a bonus against warriors. Give units above axeman a bonus against axemen. Suggested by xalien, he thinks this was originally made in RifE.

  3. joseasoler reporter

    Tasunke: In my mod I removed Lanun's global food bonus, and instead increased coast food by 1 for all.

    (I still increased Lanun ocean food by 1 though, so for the lanun the change is almost unnoticeable)

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