EitB v12 merge

Issue #303 resolved
joseasoler repo owner created an issue

Balance Changes:

• Military State: Moves back to Military Strategy (from Warfare).

• Conquest Civic: Moves back to Warfare (from Education).

• Planar Gate: Cost reduced from 200->100h

• Pallens Engine: Cost reduced from 180->120h

• Alduria Chambers: Cost reduced from 180->120h

• Reliquary gains a priest slot.

• Wane requires level 5 (not 6)

• Queen of the Line 9->16str

• Airship divorced from Queen of the Line, Kuriotates can build both

• Abashi gains the hero promotion

• Drifa gains the hero promotion

• Eurabatres gains the hero promotion

• Reliquary cost changed from 60h->45h

• Naval Promotions:

  • Longshoreman now loses one combat (instead of one cargo)

  • Buccaneers now loses one cargo (instead of one move)

  • Skeleton Crew now loses one combat, gains two cargo

• Sidar Palace gives +1g to priests

• Warrens give +10% maintenance

• Dragon’s Hoard gives +2cpt, +100% cpt, +10gpt, Gems, Gold, and Mithril (and Enchanted Blade) <-- Not sure about the Mithril part.

• Creative gains +100% speed Public Baths

• Workshops receive +1h base, lose +1h at Guilds

• Pact of Nilhorn price reduced to 250h base (167h quick)

• Caste System gains low upkeep, +1g per specialist, loses +1b per specialist.

• Foreign Trade loses +1 trade route coastal; gains +50% trade-route yield.

• Planar Gate Units are now Sheaim Unique Units

• Monks gain Drill 1, Mobility 2, lose 2 base moves

• Monks can now upgrade to all Priests

• Order units spawn with chance 100%

• Windmills now require construction (instead of engineering)

• Number of turns between revolts reduced to 8 (so two can be fit in Gold Age)

• Triremes have +50% vs. Galleys

• Elephants go to 60h (still unbuildable, but cost to upgrade to WE is reduced substantially)

• Naval units gain +50% vs. Disciple units Cultists(Mod Notes: hard-coded in.) <-- Not sure about this one either

• Aristocracy gives -20% distance maintenance (from -40%)

• Forts available at Masonry

• New Improvement: Bannor Town. Means that Bannor now don’t lose economically from spawning Demagogs <--- Review and playtest

• Chance of Demagog spawning goes from 20%->100%; time to upgrade from Bannor Town to Town adjusted accordingly

• Loyalty Spell now removes Burning Blood promotion, and vice versa

• Shadowriders are now Horse Rider replacements with +1 Poison Strength, Hidden Nationality, Causes Collateral Damage (max 30%), cost 180h

• Nightwatch now have 3/2 Strength, 2 Poison Strength, require Archery (instead of Bowyers), and Guardsman/Marksman promotions (in addition to current stats

• Extort spell now requires Shadow III <--- Review and decide.

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