Extra Civilization Traits

Issue #33 new
joseasoler repo owner created an issue

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Original text:

It would make sense to allow multiple civilization traits for each civilization. Then it would be possible to do things such as making Grigori both Agnostic and tolerant.

Comments (12)

  1. joseasoler reporter

    Non-race promotions such as Winterborn and Nomad would stop being assigned by the Race XML parameter. That's abusing the XML parameter. Instead, new civilization traits would be added that give the Winterborn and Nomad promotions to new units. This way, modders could have nomad orcs if they want to, for example.

  2. joseasoler reporter

    Sidar have a new racial promotion: Shade. Shade gives +10% withdrawal chance, Immunity to Death Damage, and Immunity to Capture. <--- From TweakMod

    This would be an additional civilization trait.

  3. lfgr

    It should be considered that promotions via civilization traits currently don't affect units build by tolerant civs, but via the Race XML they do (IIRC). Some civ traits, like sprawling or fallow, actually should absolutely not affect tolerantly ruled cities.

  4. joseasoler reporter

    I did not consider the Tolerant trait when thinking about this. I don't know how the Tolerant trait works in detail, to be honest. What would make sense (in my opinion) would be to always apply the Race XML tag ofo the original civilization in cities captured by Tolerant leaders. For civilization traits, it would probably need to consider a new XML tag for traits. If that tag is set to true (Diverse, pseudo-racial traits such as Nomad, Winterborn or ExtraModMod's Savage), it would be taken into account by the Tolerant trait. If it's not set to true (Sprawling, Fallow, etc) it would be ignored by Tolerant.

  5. lfgr

    While cleaning up my repository folder, I found that I implemented this a while ago but forgot to upload :). I fixed a few text bugs and I'm in the process of uploading it here. It does the following:

    • Enables multiple civilization traits
    • Civilization traits are now displayed in the pedia (and all traits get a placeholder button; no new art)
    • Added Nomad, Winterborn and Diverse traits. Diverse now assigns races only if appropriate art is available (upgraded units still could look ugly).

    I didn't look into the tolerant issue. Nomad and winterborn should not be applied in tolerantly ruled cities with that implementation.

    Oh, and the extramodmod version it's based on is horribly outdated, but I think that shouldn't be that much of a problem.

  6. joseasoler reporter

    This has been merged for 0.5.0. Thank you again for this contribution, lfgr. By the way, the trait buttons look great :)

    I'm leaving the task open because of two minor things. The most important one is that I would like to look into the tolerant issue in the future, although that is certainly a minor thing. The second one is that I noticed a ToDo on CvPlayerAI::AI_neededWorkers, although it does not look very important either.

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