"How to render archers more attractive" thread

Issue #49 wontfix
joseasoler repo owner created an issue

Erebus in the Balance brings a reduced cost and therefore the "expensive" issue should be sorted already, but I agree with the general reasons for archers being bad.


Archers, Dwarven slingers and Javelin throwers can use bronze weapons (Calavente)

Archery units get a collateral damage of 20% with a limit of 10% to 3 units.(Calavente)

Archery units get a -25% against cities (Calavente)

Archery units get a inherent 20% withdrawal chance and access to the Flanking I promotion.

Flaming arrows gives a 50% bonus against cities (Calavente).

Cover I and Cover II bonus against Archery unit reduced from 40% to 30%.

Archer, Dwarven Slinger cost reduced from 60 to 45 (Erebus in the Balance, already included)

Javelin Thrower cost reduced from 90 to 45 (Erebus in the Balance, already included)

Archer combat strength reduced from 3/5 to 3/4.

Dwarven slinger combat strength reduced from 3/5 to 3/4.

Javelin thrower combat strength reduced from 4/4 to 4/3.

Longbowman combat strength restored from 5/7 (EitB) to 5/6 (MNAI).

Crossbowman combat strength reduced from 9/13 to 9/12.

Marksman combat strength reduced from 11/11 to 11/10.

Gargoyles get the 20% withdrawal chance, but they don't get any of the other new archery features.

Comments (6)

  1. joseasoler reporter

    Tasunke: What if archers targeted melee units first outside cities? <--- Sounds interesting. I'm not sure if the "outside cities" bit is possible, but it should be considered even without that bit.

  2. joseasoler reporter

    The proposal died and the balance changes are far too intrusive for me to decide and test them alone. Besides, they would take ExtraModMod too far away from EitB.

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