Civilization specific Immortals

Issue #70 open
joseasoler repo owner created an issue

Immortals always felt to me like a somewhat plain unit. Some civilizations such as the Calabim have their own version of the Immortal, and in other modmods other civilizations get their own versions. It may be a good idea to introduce additional civilization specific Immortals.

Comments (9)

  1. joseasoler reporter

    In Magister ModMod, Illians Immortals are portrayed as "Heirs of Taranis". Taking inspiration on this, Illian immortals could get Taranis art. They would get the Heavy, Immune to Cold and Immune to Disease promotions. Combat strength should be scaled accordingly. Besides the immunities, since they have a smaller base strength increased by a %, the effect of metals on them would be increased. This is somewhat compensated by the increased movement cost.

  2. joseasoler reporter

    In Magister ModMod, the Hippus Immortal is a mounted unit.This is more fitting for the Hippus and it also gives their mounted units a different upgrade path.

  3. Tasunke Witka

    I believe the only way to allow Hippus Horsearchers to upgrade to a Hippus Immortal (lets call him a Windlord for now), would be to have a Horsearcher Unique Unit which can upgrade to the Immortal unitclass. Originally the Windlord was a Knight UU and had Air1 and Air2, as well as channeling1 and 2.

    I believe that the Amurite Immortal should be named 'Ascended', be Adept Unitcombat (but same strength and can still use metals), and has Channeling 1-3. (can be upgraded from either Champion, or from their Wizard UU)

    Sheaim normally don't have an Immortal ... but I have something Special in store for them if we go this route. I call it the 'Soul Reaver.' Eaters of Dreams can upgrade to them. They are 2 move, 6 strength, +2 unholy damage, Demon race, Channeling 1-3, Disciple Unitcombat, can use metals, starts with Fear and Command1. They also start with a unique promotion/effect named 'Soul Drink' ... gains +2 exp per combat and +20% heal after combat.

    Lanun Immortal UU could be named 'Davy Jones', and have Waterwalking (the art is already appropriate)

  4. joseasoler reporter

    Given how powerful the Calabim Vampire Lords are in comparison with all other immortals (and without even a cost increase), I wouldn't mind giving other immortals unique perks like the ones you suggest.

    The Windlord sounds quite interesting. Do you mean that it was in vanilla FFH2 at some point? If that's the case they could make a comeback as immortals. I was thinking on giving the new Hippus Immortal a new unitclass and preventing them from building normal immortals.

    I like the Ascended idea, although IMO making them insta-archmages could be a bit too much. They could keep being melee units with Channeling III and start with two select spheres at level I. Govannon would do the rest.

    How does the Sheaim Soul Reaver fit the lore?

    WRT the Lanun Immortal, I think that water walking seems fitting :) The name could just be something on the lines of "Legendary Corsair". IMO only Kael should decide when and how to break the fourth wall :D

  5. Tasunke Witka

    Amurite Ascended ... (Immortal UU)

    Melee Unitcombat, starts with fire1, earth1, water1, body1, enchantment1, Channeling1, and Studious.

  6. joseasoler reporter

    Another idea from Magister:

    (In my modmod the Illians will have an unchanging "Heir of Taranis" Immortal UU. These will be stronger than most Immortals (or perhaps weaker but with Ice Affinity?), but will lose their unitcombat (and thus ability to get promotions) when they upgrade to this position.)

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