Backports of MNAI for 0.3.1

Issue #78 resolved
joseasoler repo owner created an issue

Before 0.3.1 is released, all fixes committed to More Naval AI trunk should be backported to the 0.3 branch. This should also include all of Tholal's AI fixes.

Comments (3)

  1. joseasoler reporter

    Bugfix - changeStolenVisibilityTimer() now properly exposed to python (bug #180)

    Bugfix - a unit flagged with the UpgradeOutsideBorders tag will now be able to upgrade anywhere if the upgrade unit requires a building so long as the owner has one of those buildings (previously it was only checking the closest city) (bug #181)

    Bugfix - BUG Unit Naming option will no longer throw errors when a Beast unit is build (fix for bug #184)

    Bugfix - fix for a potential assert error

    AI - when selecting techs, the AI will no longer value units which have a non-matching

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