Stretch/Shrink not Working on Resize

Issue #106 closed
Robert Leach created an issue

I was commenting on this one in issue 92 (when I discovered it). I eventually figure out that the bug had been introduced to the master branch recently. The most recent jar file uploaded by Lance on 11/6/2014 doesn't have the bug, though I don't know if Lance's upload was a jar exported from the master or a branch, so the bug could have been introduced earlier.

Here's what happens: When you resize the window smaller, the image no longer shrinks. Rather, the heatmap floats off the edges. When I tried to fix that, it seemed to work, but then when you hit the zoom selection button after the resize, it would zoom in past the selection in the horizontal orientation.

Comments (6)

  1. Robert Leach reporter

    OK. Making headway. Checkout seems to be working as I would expect now. Don't know why it didn't work the first time. Anyway, looks like I may have introduced the bug when I committed the search/zoomout functionality. Looking into it now...

  2. Robert Leach reporter

    Making headway. Looks like tileNumVisible had an old bug that got copied over to numVisible. I had noted the math error during the search/zoom-out issue and corrected 1 instance of it. The result was the bad behaving zooming functionality either during or after a resize, depending on different patched fixes that were designed to work around the problem. I've corrected all the math and then found those 4 patched fixes and removed them. Though it appears that minScale and maxScale aren't being updated at the right times - accounting for the window having been resized. I replaced usage of minScale and maxScale variables with on-the-fly calculations (getCalculatedMinScale() and getAvailablePixels() respectively).

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