Create a URL preferences interface

Issue #107 closed
Robert Leach created an issue

Currently, the "URL..." option in the preferences sub-menu causes a dialog window to open up which basically states that the interface isn't implemented yet.

Chris described to me that the purpose of the URL is to link genes in the labels area for the rows & columns.

In talking with Lance about the way the interface works, he mentioned the way excell works when selecting entire rows/columns (by clicking in the margin). This could conflict with the URL feature, so it's something to think about when implementing the links...

Comments (4)

  1. Anastasia Baryshnikova

    This feature (link the row/col labels to a webpage) has been specifically requested by on of Treeview's "fathers" (David Botstein), so we have to do it :) The preferences window is now opening ok, but I have a little comment about the specific interface elements. 1) The first text box (with the link itself) is ok 2) The second line of text (the example) looks like a text box but it's actually not (it can't be edited). Can we just show it as text? 3) The bottons with the database options shouldn't be buttons. Maybe radio buttons? Or, even better, drop down menu?

  2. Christopher Keil repo owner

    The second text box only displayed the directory again which doesn't really help or add value. I commented it out/ removed it for now. I implemented a drop down menu in place of the buttons.

  3. Christopher Keil repo owner

    The UI for this has been updated as requested. The actual functionality from before is still there but deactivated. Clicking the labels selects rows/cols. In the near future I will update this so that using a modifier button + click will initialize a search for the label in the selected database.

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