Add the visual emphasis from issue #103 to highlighted results of search

Issue #110 closed
Robert Leach created an issue

The dimming of non-results is cool, though when I did a search, I noticed it didn't happen.

Note that when wildcards are used, the selected spots can be disjoint, which could make this enhancement tricky...

Comments (6)

  1. Christopher Keil repo owner

    The disjoint spots will pose a problem and I don't immediately have a solution in mind. When I coded the effect such that the list of selected indices would be completely checked, disjoint elements would have been recognized. But it was too computationally expensive and performance severely deteriorated with increasing matrix size. I used a trick instead, that checks whether the pixels to be colored are in a range of continuously selected indices. I therefore only had to compare if a value is between a min and a max number.

    This won't work for disjoint selections.

  2. Robert Leach reporter

    Is some of my debugging work, I noted that there exists an array that contains all the selected indexes in each dimension. I think it might be in the TreeSelection class. Could you use that?

  3. Christopher Keil repo owner

    I just tried implementing this again and it's a completely unacceptable hit on performance for large matrices due to the additional computations needed to determine if a gene/ array index is in the list of selected items.

    Maybe an efficient solution will come to my mind some time but the way the matrix is drawn in TreeView is making this a real pain. Implementing another way of drawing the matrix might throw a lot of other things out of order, but I wanted to look into it anyways.

  4. Christopher Keil repo owner

    Is this a non-issue now? Can this be marked as resolved because we have excluded the highlighting?

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