Double-click zoom, like in google maps

Issue #14 closed
Robert Leach created an issue

TreeView is all about navigating the data. The more navigational tools, the better. So I think that double-clicking a spot in the matrix should incrementally zoom toward it. Double-clicking with a modifier key (e.g. shift) should zoom out from the spot that was clicked (like the way google maps zooms in/out on the cursor position when scrolling (though I think the latest version changed that)).

Comments (16)

  1. Anastasia Baryshnikova

    I observed Brianna (my summer student) using Treeview and she repeatedly tried to double click on a region to zoom in. So it sounds like a good feature to have.

  2. Robert Leach reporter

    Incidentally, you should be able to use my animated zoom to feature code for this feature... Should be a simple call to smoothAnimatedZoomTowardSelection(xstart,xwidth,ystart,ywidth).


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