Add the possibility to specify the min/max range of the color bar

Issue #140 closed
Anastasia Baryshnikova created an issue

It sounds like a trivial thing but ends up being quite annoying. Especially because in most cases, the automatically determined color scale is not symmetric around 0 (e.g., goes from -0.8 to 0.4), therefore black does not automatically correspond to 0, and even if you sent the 2 extreme handles at symmetrical positions (e.g., -0.2 and 0.2), the colorbar looks asymmetric because the length of the right arm is different from the length of the left one.

Comments (11)

  1. Anastasia Baryshnikova reporter

    Also, the min/max of the colorscale should be able to go beyond the limits of the data. That will allow you to make your matrix extremely dark (by setting the 2 handles far beyond the limits of the data).

  2. Anastasia Baryshnikova reporter

    Use case: - You load a new matrix where, let's say, the values go from -1 to 0.5. You open the color settings and, first thing, you set the range of values on the color bar (min/max) from -0.5 to 0.5. This automatically puts the middle handle (black) to the middle (0 in this case), and the other two handles at -0.5 and 0.5. Every value lower than -0.5 gets the same color as -0.5.

    Acceptance criteria: - Min/max can go outside the data range. - The values entered should be validated, i.e. min value has to be < max value. Otherwise, the user gets an alert and is invited to correct the error.

  3. Robert Leach

    I added some thoughts/notes to issue #136 along with some sample images I created that might be useful for this issue as well.

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