Show values on color handles all the time

Issue #166 closed
Anastasia Baryshnikova created an issue

Use case: - I open the color settings and I see right away which values the color handles correspond to (instead of hovering over each of them, which is not really obvious and is not very comfortable).

Comments (11)

  1. Christopher Keil repo owner

    The values will overlap if handles are close together. Would a list of handle values next to the color bar suffice? Do you have other suggestions how this could be handled?

  2. Anastasia Baryshnikova reporter

    I see it this way: it's quite rare (in a real life case) that I'd want to place 2 color handles very close to each other. The only situation in which this would happen is if the scale of my color bar is much wider than I need (e.g., it goes from -50 to +50, whereas I am interested in distinguishing 0.8 from 0.9). This issue will be indirectly solved by the implementation of min/max. Alternatively, let's say I'm happy with the width of my color bar, but I still want two colors to be really close to each other: could we try to make the best of the situation by aligning the labels one to the left of its corresponding handle and one to the right of its corresponding handle? This won't solve the case where there're 3 very close handles, but I think in that case a little overlap is ok and kinda expected. I don't think the list of values on the side of the color bar will be enough: the labels have to be right where the colors are, that's the most intuitive place for them to be.

  3. Robert Leach

    Just a thought: If you keep the tooltip on hover, it would mitigate the overlapping values issue in the rare case that happens.

  4. Anastasia Baryshnikova reporter

    I also had a thought a few days ago: to make overlapping even less likely, you can alternate handles, one above the color bar, one below. It probably complicates the code, but I thought it's worth a shot.

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