Move row/col specific zoom in/out next to the corresponding scroll bars

Issue #173 closed
Anastasia Baryshnikova created an issue

To simplify the navigation panel, move the + and - for row/col zoom in/out next to the corresponding scroll bars. Initially, a good place to try is the top left corner.

Comments (8)

  1. Christopher Keil repo owner

    The buttons have been moved as discussed. I believe having them on one side of the axis is sufficient.

  2. Robert Leach

    OK, well, I didn't mean that the buttons on the opposite side of the scrollbar would do the same thing. What I intended to convey was that, e.g. the buttons on the right would add/remove columns from the right side whereas the buttons on the left would add/remove columns from the left side.

  3. Christopher Keil repo owner

    Ah ok, I misunderstood. That makes sense. Have you already begun work on zoom issue? If not, that would be good actually.

    I would like to move a lot of the zoom code from DendroController into MapContainer. In DendroController should only be code that basically instructs the MapContainer to "zoom in" or "zoom out". So a method call with some parameters. This would remove A LOT of code from DendroController and in general.

    Currently the reZoomVisible() method and others are doing duplicate work (once for globalXmap and once for globalYmap). That is all the same code just for the different axis' MapContainer. By moving that code into MapContainer itself, MapContainer manipulates its own state based on supplied parameters and you'd only implement code once this way because it can be called on either globalXmap or globalYmap.

    I want to refactor the zoomIn() and zoomOut() method in MapContainer into one as well because they only differ by 3 lines or so. This can be accommodated by a method parameter + conditional check which overall means a code reduction.

    MapContainer itself needs some good refactoring. The setSavedScale() method when opening a new matrix doesn't work because of the current implementation.

  4. Robert Leach

    I have not. I spent Friday reviewing, refining, & otherwise updating bitbucket issues. I still need to add an issue that I hadn't gotten around to yet. This weekend, I'm mostly doing taxes and house stuff. I should get to the zoom-coding tomorrow.

  5. Christopher Keil repo owner

    Ok then I will spend the rest of today updating the scaling/ MapContainer code and continue with the Color stuff tomorrow. UI update stuff is live.

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