Show labels as soon as possible

Issue #175 closed
Anastasia Baryshnikova created an issue

Labels should appear as soon as humanly possible. The minimum font size should probably be 6pt. As soon as the tile size can accommodate that, the labels should appear. As the zoom increases and the tiles get bigger, the font size can be adjusted proportionally, up to a maximum size of 14pt. (The font sizes at this stage are just suggestions; if lower and higher boundaries are appropriate, we should use those).

Comments (7)

  1. Christopher Keil repo owner

    This has been implemented but it opens up a new issue to discuss in the future: Changing the font size is only effective until the scale is resized in any way, because now the font size changes with the scale.

    One option would be to allow the user to "lock" the font size to something specific. The current dynamic implementation seems good in terms of font sizes to me. It starts at 6 and maxes out at 16.

    Anything less than 6 is entirely useless and anything more than 16 is gigantic. While the automatic font sizes are reasonable, the ability to change font size should still not be removed in my opinion.

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