Remove ellipsis from Load last file button

Issue #178 closed
Robert Leach created an issue

An ellipsis on a button implies that clicking it will present you with changeable options. In the context where the button is (in the main window upon opening treeview), it implies that you will be presented with the option of selecting a recent file to open. I think removing the ellipsis would eliminate that minor implication. Either that, or keep the ellipsis and have the button open a recent files dialog.

Comments (6)

  1. Christopher Keil repo owner

    Could you post a screenshot? All that was implemented recently is that all buttons show when they are in focus (647e643). Showing focus is general default behavior and the OSX Java L&F default of showing that might be this ellipsis?

  2. Robert Leach reporter


    I've circled the ellipsis in red. The ellipsis implies the user will be presented with options. Trivial issue, but it is slightly surprising that no options are revealed, such as series of last files to choose from.

  3. Christopher Keil repo owner

    Ah ok. I just saw your comments on this. Agree that this should be removed, thanks.

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