Rendering of super-large matrices

Issue #185 closed
Anastasia Baryshnikova created an issue

Figure out what's Java's strategy for painting matrices larger than the number of pixels on the screen. Averaging neighboring pixels? Painting them on top of each other? Selecting a random one?

Comments (4)

  1. Robert Leach

    I have determined that the pixels are being averaged when real data is present, but when there is missing data, the expected behavior would be to exclude any value in the average calculation that has no value, yet the pixels end up being colored the min or max color (sometimes the missing value color). This issue is somewhat a duplicate of issue #194 (and you can find a screen-cap comparison of TV2 versus TV3), but since the mechanism has been determined and was the goal of this issue, I will mark it resolved. Fixing the issue will be relegated to issue #194.

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