Double-click to open cdt (et al) files

Issue #191 new
Robert Leach created an issue

I don't know if there's a conventional way to do this with java applications - there probably is, but I'm sure we would have to explicitly implement it. It would be nice if users could open their data files in TreeView simply by double-clicking on them.

I know of a way to do this with jar files in Mac OS that utilizes automator. You can create an automator "helper" app that makes a command line call and can pass the double-clicked file path/name to the call. Check out how I did this to be able to open .pl, .cgi, and *.pm files:

Comments (10)

  1. Robert Leach reporter

    I installed cytoscape today for another project and noticed that they handle this issue during installation like this. They agree to handle files passed to it with a given extension and then simply show a message explaining how to tell the finder to send a double-clicked file to cytoscape:



    I'm willing to bet we can do better than this, and handle the finder association automatically. There's got to be a documented way of doing this.

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