Viewport border not always updated on last step

Issue #209 closed
Robert Leach created an issue

I have noticed this a few times. Took a screen capture this time. The viewport border in the overview is not always updated on the last zoom step. This matrix is completely zoomed out, yet the overview says that I'm zoomed in on the lower right corner by a few rows/cols:


Comments (11)

  1. Anastasia Baryshnikova

    I agree with @smd_faizan -- just tried it on a random matrix and it looks fine. I seem to have seen this bug before but maybe it got fixed in some other way?

  2. Robert Leach reporter

    I agree that this issue seems to have been resolved and I believe Chris and I have both tweaked the code that was probably causing the issue. It likely had to do with invalid values being set for tileNum and/or numVisible, firstVisible, and scroll values. Those bugs were causing other problems that got resolved and probably also fixed this in the process.

    Since I can no longer reproduce this issue either, I am marking it as resolved and will close the issue as merged as well.

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