Color settings at first load do not correspond to the default color scale

Issue #224 closed
Anastasia Baryshnikova created an issue

When loading a new file for the first time, its color scale is (not surprisingly) incorrect. When opening the Color settings to correct it, the color scale shifts automatically to default color scale (from -1 to 1, centered on 0, red/green) which, coincidentally, looks much better than the first color scale you see. The issues are: 1) it is not clear where does the first color scale comes from; 2) can we just enforce the application of the default color scale (it might still be wrong, but at least it won't switch weirdly when you open the Color settings)?

Comments (5)

  1. Christopher Keil repo owner

    When loading from a saved config node, ColorExtractor min/ max would not be set to the min/ max stored in the node.

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