Selecting an item from a search field drop-down list should initiate search

Issue #234 closed
Robert Leach created an issue

Currently, after making a selection from a search field drop down, the user must hit return to initiate the search. Search initiation should happen upon selection.

In fact, I think live updating of the search results would be more gratifying for the user - initiate the search upon every field value change.

Comments (9)

  1. Robert Leach reporter

    This resolves issue 234. Searches are now initiated upon click of a combobox dropdown menu item.

    Note, the method used in this update is non-standard. Multiple means and methods were tried. The most reliable solution turned out to be not straightforward. If a better means is found to initiate a search from a clicked menu item, this added code has been marked with a note about removal. The marked methods, classes, and specific lines (3 places total) may be deleted. For more details on the efforts surrounding this issue, see this stackexchange thread:

    → <<cset 68f0afbb80ab>>

  2. Robert Leach reporter

    This resolves issue 234. Searches are now initiated upon click of a combobox dropdown menu item.

    Note, the method used in this update is non-standard. Multiple means and methods were tried. The most reliable solution turned out to be not straightforward. If a better means is found to initiate a search from a clicked menu item, this added code has been marked with a note about removal. The marked methods, classes, and specific lines (3 places total) may be deleted. For more details on the efforts surrounding this issue, see this stackexchange thread:

    → <<cset 68f0afbb80ab>>

  3. Robert Leach reporter

    This resolves issue 234. Searches are now initiated upon click of a combobox dropdown menu item.

    Note, the method used in this update is non-standard. Multiple means and methods were tried. The most reliable solution turned out to be not straightforward. If a better means is found to initiate a search from a clicked menu item, this added code has been marked with a note about removal. The marked methods, classes, and specific lines (3 places total) may be deleted. For more details on the efforts surrounding this issue, see this stackexchange thread:

    → <<cset 68f0afbb80ab>>

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