Change "Edit Selected Thumb" and "Edit Thumb" to "Edit Selected *Color*" and "Edit Color"

Issue #237 closed
Robert Leach created an issue

In the color settings dialog, the third button on the bottom should say "color" instead of "thumb" to match the others.

In the color slider dialog, change "Edit Thumb" in the title bar to "Edit Color"

Comments (8)

  1. Christopher Keil repo owner

    I was changing this back and forth and cannot decide which option is more "right" since the colors technically allow you to change value and color - or only one of them. I suppose Edit Color is still better for the sake of consistency.

  2. Robert Leach reporter

    Changing the value could be construed as a color change. I mean, you're adjusting the point where the color is assigned. Thumb just seems a tad abstract from the user standpoint.

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