Improve color spectrum "interactiveness"

Issue #239 new
Robert Leach created an issue

I discovered that clicking directly on the color spectrum brings up the "Pick a Color" dialog to change the color of the nearest slider. When that happened, my intuition told me that I was actually adding a color slider instead of editing the color of the existing slider, so I was surprised when my black slider changed to the blue color I'd selected. There might be some things we can do to make it a little more intuitive...

On hover over the spectrum, there might be something we can do to indicate we would be editing a slider if we clicked on the spectrum...

For example, we could increase the size of the slider who's color we would be editing if we clicked, or we could draw a highlight around the slider, or we could move the little "selection dot" (though if we did that, upon mouseOut, I would default the selection dot to what it was before mouseEnter).

I think it might also make sense to bring up the "Edit Color" dialog instead of the "Pick a Color" dialog so that they could alternatively change the value.

Also, I think that we could implement a right-click on the spectrum to "Add a color" (perhaps via contextual menu?)

I think that a tool-tip near the cursor on hover over the spectrum would help elucidate what would happen upon click/right-click.

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