Shift-click label bug

Issue #240 closed
Robert Leach created an issue

When you have a series of entire rows selected at the bottom of the matrix...

First of all, I'm not entirely confident that the very last column is selected. All columns should have been selected at the time because in my test, I had deselected everything and then clicked some row labels.

Second, I shift-clicked a column about 10% from the end. I expected all the columns of the existing selection from the click site to the end would be deselected, but instead all but 1 column at the beginning to the click-site got deselected.

Here's a screen-cap:


Comments (5)

  1. Robert Leach reporter

    OK, there's no problem with the first item. All columns are selected. The yellow box just isn't drawn precisely.

  2. Robert Leach reporter

    ColumnLabelView and RowLabelView did each have the same code for the toggle to closest method and they should have. One was actually partially working and the other wasn't working in either case of the selected end column being closer than a series of unselected beginning columns. It's now fixed.

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