Implement new general layout with search boxes & data legend at the top

Issue #247 closed
Anastasia Baryshnikova created an issue

As discussed, we should implement the layout where the matrix uses the entire width of the screen, while the search box & the navigation buttons are at the top. For the data legend, we decided that, since we will highlight in red the row & column labels corresponding to the current position, it is not necessary to duplicate the info in a separate area. For the data value, we will try to implement the color bar idea: a color bar corresponding to the current color settings and a moving line (+ a numerical value) within the color bar that is synchronized with the movements of the cursor and indicates where on the scale the current value is. If possible, we will also try to show the histogram of values on top of the colorbar, but that could be tricky.

Comments (5)

  1. Christopher Keil repo owner

    The code already exists, but I will wait with merge and reporting this as resolved until @hepcat72 finished the new label whizzing feature.

  2. Christopher Keil repo owner

    Layout changes have been implemented in caa4a78. The issue of adding a color bar for value indication has been separately created for better task management: #322

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