Compartmentalize and consolidate whizzing labels code in LabelView

Issue #257 closed
Robert Leach created an issue

There are some large methods in LabelView that need to be broken into specific smaller methods. Some methods do not encapsulate all functionality they claim to have in some use cases and that code needs to be consolidated from other areas into those functions. These usually have to do with math to calculate label offsets and scrolls and such, given various factors such as row/col, right/left justified, and whether or not in label port mode.

Comments (6)

  1. Robert Leach reporter

    The methods could be organized a bit better, but they are much easier to absorb now and a lot of duplicate code has been eliminated. methods were moved where possible from child classes to parent classes. Long methods were broken up. Functionality that was spread across a few methods has been consolidated.

  2. Robert Leach reporter
    • removed milestone

    Removing milestone: Coding Convention Adherence (automated comment)

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