Select/search by spot value range (optionally limited to selected area)

Issue #34 new
Robert Leach created an issue

To be able to select spots by value range, combined with the ability to copy selected spot information (a separate feature request), makes for a useful tool to get for example, all the row names, perhaps with counts of spots in a certain value range.

It would be even nicer, but more difficult to allow multiple ranges to, for example, get all extreme values and not the middle ones.

Nicer still would be to have a magic selection cursor button that changes the pointer cursor into one of those magic wand selection tools that, when clicking a tile, selects all tiles within a range of the value of that tile. Right clicking the button (or click & hold) could allow the user to adjust the "tolerance"/value range of the selection, perhaps as a slider and/or value entry box. Users could alternatively select an explicitly entered value range via an Edit->Select->Range menu in the menu bar.

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