Allow resize of combined area that tree & label panes takes up

Issue #36 closed
Robert Leach created an issue


I want more screen space dedicated to (for example) displaying the column tree & labels together. In other words, I want to restore the ability that treeview 2 has to control the label/tree area size.


Here is 1 way displaying how to accomplish the desired functionality in Java TreeView (which changes the space taken up by both row and column trees):

  1. Open small_133x133.cdt
  2. Click & drag the top left border of the left-most matrix down and to the right and inch of 2

Second example (including both labels and tree) (after the above procedure):

  1. Select a portion of the matrix (the middle pane will fill with a zoomed matrix with labes & tree above it)
  2. Drag the border between the labels and the zoomed matrix down


TreeView3 does not have the ability to change the amount of space that the matrix takes up relative to the label/tree panel. TreeView2 does:

Example 1 of TreeView2 before & after drag:


Example 2 from TreeView2 before & after drag:



The above examples of TreeView2 existing behavior should be possible in TreeView3.


SUGGESTED CHANGE (Pseudocode optional)

Make the top and left border of the matrix area resizable (including the top-left corner being able to change both edges like in example 1 above). The existing sizes of the row & column label/tree areas should be a minimum.

FILES AFFECTED (where the changes will be implemented) - developers only


LEVEL OF EFFORT - developers only



Resolution of this issue would essentially resolve issue #339.

Comments (24)

  1. Christopher Keil repo owner

    You can resize the tree/ label panels. There is one general panel that contains those two. It's a JSplitPane and has a separator in the middle. I just noticed that this is not visible on the default UI used by OSX for Java apps (there should also be a line in the cluster window which divides the drop-down menus from the "Link Method Details", also not visible.

    It's still usable but obviously something needs to be done about this graphical difference between Windows and OSX.

  2. Robert Leach reporter

    I just tried the resize the label panes, but could not. Where do I have to click and drag to resize them? Here's a screen cap:


    That's annoying that mac/windows differ so much in the interface.

  3. Robert Leach reporter

    I just realized that you're referring specifically to when the trees are shown. So I clustered and showed the trees. I do see the ability to resize those panes.

  4. Anastasia Baryshnikova

    I suggest we set this issue to "wontfix" because everything seems to work as expected: when there're no trees, the labels take up all the available space (and if they're aligned properly, e.g., to the bottom, it is exactly what you expect); when the trees are present, you can decide how much space give to labels or trees. What do you guys think?

  5. Robert Leach reporter

    It's not quite what I expected when I first was told I could resize the label region. I had small labels with a lot of empty/unutilized space. I thought I would be able to resize the whole area smaller and thereby make the amount of space taken up by the matrix larger. Personally, I prefer interfaces that have little to no empty space. (Case in point, I think that the bottom of the window should end at the scrollbar beneath the matrix - unless we use it for the data ticker, which is where I would expect status messages to be, i.e. in the status bar.) That said, I don't think this is a priority item - lots of other things that should be addressed before this, if this even gets implemented.

  6. Robert Leach reporter
    • edited description

    Put before & after images side-by-side to better demonstrate the changes desired.

  7. Robert Leach reporter
    • edited description

    Swapped the images to correspond to examples described in the reproduce procedure.

  8. Robert Leach reporter

    Now that major elements of TreeView are completed, I feel the relative priority of this issue is higher.

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