About Window Info Update

Issue #83 new
Robert Leach created an issue


Have an up-to-date "about" dialog located in the place a user expects it to be.


  1. (On Mac OS) Select "TreeView3->About TreeView3" in the system menu bar
  2. Select "Help->About..." in the system menu bar


  • 2 different About windows accessed from 2 different menu bar locations
  • Generic App icon in the "TreeView3->About TreeView3" window
  • Incorrect version info in the "TreeView3->About TreeView3" window
  • Stale version info in "Help->About..." window


  • Make the "About" window menu a single location that is OS-specific (e.g. on Mac OS: in the TreeView3 app menu)
  • Include the app icon in the about window
  • Automatically update the About window's version info, including a build ID (gradle?)


SUGGESTED CHANGE (Pseudocode optional)

do these things in gradle

FILES AFFECTED (where the changes will be implemented) - developers only


LEVEL OF EFFORT - developers only



Old issue description:

The about window calls the app "TreeViewLauncher" and the version is 1.0. Perhaps we should change these to "TreeView" and version 3. Also would be nice to link to the website here and also include the app icon instead of the generic app icon.

While you're in there, it would be nice to update the App icon and add a link to our website.

There are 2 different about windows - one in the TreeViewLauncher menu and another in the help menu, each with different info. Perhaps make this the same window.

We should either list all the developers, or link to a team page.

Email list signup could be a separate menu item.


Comments (19)

  1. Robert Leach reporter

    I'm putting this one on hold, because I believe that it will be automatically handled when we jump through the hoops for OS-specific deployment. I noted that when I changed the TreeViewLauncher class name, the name in this about window was automatically updated. There are ways in the code to apply an icon and probably to set the version, but this will also happen in the plist file that's created for OS deployment. I believe that everything in there will cause the about window to update, so there's not really anything to do for this issue in the code.

  2. Robert Leach reporter
    • changed status to new

    Looks like I originally opened this, looked into it for a bit and moved on without resolving...

  3. Robert Leach reporter

    I looked at it a bit. There's some overlap between this issue and the issue for the app icon in the dock. Setting it for the dock also sets it for the About window. However, I am not working on the 1 location for the about window portion of this. I had started to look into how to provide the same about info in the app menu's version of the about window, but I could not determine if that was possible. I had a fleeting notion of (only on mac) changing the name of the "About..." menu option in the Help menu to something like "Info..." or something else that didn't conflict with the OS's generated "About" window. However, I'm pretty much focussed at the moment on getting the icon, app name, etc in the dock working on various platforms.

    Also - the version is automatically handled in Gradle too, though it's adding the short version of the hash. Chris mentioned something about using a tag thing to give it a version number, so it looks like that overlaps this issue as well.

    Perhaps this issue boils down to having a single about menu location.

  4. Robert Leach reporter

    Hey @smd_faizan, can you do me a favor and switch to branch issue482... and run gradle createApp and tell me if you get any errors? I need a windows test of that.

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