Continually re-opening search window

Issue #9 closed
Robert Leach created an issue

Not certain what caused this, but I had selected a tree node in both the rows and columns and clicked the search button. I don't remember if I had performed a search or not, but upon closing the search window, a new search window opened right back up. Every time I closed the new window a new one would open to replace it in the center of the screen. I tried moving one of the search windows before closing it to make sure I wasn't just seeing it flash and not go away: the window went away and a new window showed up in the center again.

Comments (8)

  1. Robert Leach reporter

    I think I figured out how to make this happen. Each time you cluster (I tested using hierarchical), it adds 2 more search windows that show up after the original. If you cluster once, 2 extra search windows will show up when you close the first. If you cluster twice, 4 extras will open. 3 times -> 6 extras, etc..

  2. Robert Leach reporter

    Boy, I feel like I'm getting in over my java head here, but I figured out a little more. When you run clustering, it ends up adding more search button listeners without removing the old listeners. I put a console debug message in "addSearchButtonListener" and it indeed prints twice after clustering. From what I read, it seems like it's suggested that listeners are removed before adding a new one. I'll see if I can figure out how to do that.

  3. Robert Leach reporter

    Fully resolved issue 9 from pull request #133 - Export situations that have no possible valid export given size now prevent the export dialog from popping up.

    Also, if a document format export is possible, but image export is not, the format select list is adjusted to not provide image export options. Note, it was not possible using JComboBox to disable the image options, but still leave them visible.

    Switching formats also triggers updates of the other dialog elements.

    → <<cset adf1fc057e9a>>

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