Resizing the window resets the zoom

Issue #96 closed
Anastasia Baryshnikova created an issue

When I'm zoomed in on a particular region of the matrix and then I resize the entire Treeview window, the zoom level resets itself to 100% (the whole matrix).

Comments (5)

  1. Robert Leach

    Fixed issue 96 involving the view zooming out when the window is resized. To fix this, I added 2 variables in mapContainer to keep track of user-explicit manipulations of the image view: the first visible index and the number of visible indexes. I then update those wherever the user can explicitly change the data that is viewed, e.g. zooming, the home button, etc.. I then added 2 functions to DendroController to re-zoom and re-scroll the visible area that are called when the window is resized (instead of calling resetmapContainers). The other changes only relate to me removing some debug prints that I neglected to take out on the last issue that I fixed & merged.

    → <<cset 284ac839b362>>

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