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pyKStroke / README


To read correctly the markups inside this file and all other files included in the DOCS folder you should use a reader for the Markdown syntax (unnecessary if you are reading the online version).

My main passion is to program but do not consider myself an expert programmer so, please don't blame me if some parts of code are crappy.
You can help me to make it better! ;)
Another point is that, there will probably be alot of grammatical errors, because of my bad english, then any person that is able to correct them is welcome.


####Simple keyboard input hook on multiple platforms that returns a character.

I know that there are others Python packages similar to this on the web, but i make this because my main goal would be to create an easy-to-use and fast-response keyboard input event hook package that can be adapted to different types of use.

The main modules are and
The classes directly included in the above modules are the only ones that you can use for input purposes.
I've tried to use the same interface in both modules classes to achieve an easy interpretation of what they do, even if "under the hood" is used a different code implementation.
Both returs a tuple with Windows Virual-Key code (with some additions) and key state code.


Supported operating Systems are:

  • Macintosh 9.0 and earlier that support Carbon library (not tested) or alternatively Xlib library;
  • OS/X 10.0 and higher that support Xlib library;
  • Windows XP and higer that support win32 APIs;
  • Unix like systems that supports Xlib library.


This package use several Third-Party components not included in the distribution. Use pip manager to install all required platform-specific python dependencies automatically. If you dislike the use of pip, you need to download the required packages manually. To do this you can download them from the PyPI website.

Below a list of them:

For subpackages used by modules above, please refers to their website.


The easy way is to install the package via pip:

pip install --upgrade pykstroke

Whereas i used distutils installation policy, so if you've manually downloaded the source distribution run the following command:

python install

in a Windows command prompt or in a Unix-like terminal systems and you should be ok. If you wish can add the --user parameter to the command and install the source in the user path.

If you download the Windows distribution, simple run it as standard Windows installation package.

For more details on how to install python modules see here.

##API Reference

I have set this GUIDE for a good reading and understanding of the code.
For this I have tried to combine the references and examples style structure in a common manner.

It is not yet complete.

##Planned Features

Support for Android and iOS systems and need a better OsX implementation.

If you need to report a bug or would like to see implemented a new feature, or simple you need more details on either one, see the Issues section.


This source is distributed under LGPLv2.1+ or later.

The third-party components specified under section Requirements have their license, not necessarily under LGPL.
For them, refer to the corresponding package or their website.


Thanks to all people that help me, directly or indirectly, to assemble and test the code of this package.

All thirt-party packages credits are of their owners.

This package is created by Tungsteno.
If you need to contact me for more information or to push a Git patch, send an email to
Project website
