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FunctionIconOverview-Small.png Codea's global variables

The tables below, organised by type of value and alphabetically, list the global variables in Codea version 1.5.1.

FunctionIconConst-Small.png Numbers

ADDITIVE1See 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
ANY6See 'Display' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
BEGAN0See 'Touch' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
CAMERA_BACK1See 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
CAMERA_FRONT2See 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
CANCELLED3Possible touch state.
CENTER2See 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
CHAIN3See 'Physics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
CIRCLE0See 'Physics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
COMPOUND4Reserved for future use with Codea's physics.body() function.
CORNER0See 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
CORNERS1See 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
ContentScaleFactor1 (non-retina) or 2 (retina)See 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
CurrentOrientation2See 'Display' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
DISTANCE3See 'Physics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
DST_ALPHA772See 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
DST_COLOR774See 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
DYNAMIC2See 'Physics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
DeltaTime0.0166667 typically, being 1/60.See 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
EDGE1See 'Physics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
ENDED2See 'Touch' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
ElapsedTime0.0166667 or greater, typically.See 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
FORMAT_MONO164353See 'Sounds' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
FORMAT_MONO84352See 'Sounds' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
FORMAT_STEREO164355See 'Sounds' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
FORMAT_STEREO84354See 'Sounds' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
FULLSCREEN1See 'Display' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
FULLSCREEN_NO_BUTTONS2See 'Display' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
HEIGHT768, for example.See 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
KINEMATIC1See 'Physics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
LANDSCAPE_ANY5See 'Display' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
LANDSCAPE_LEFT2See 'Display' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
LANDSCAPE_RIGHT3See 'Display' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
LEFT0See 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
MOVING1See 'Touch' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
MULTIPLY2See 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
NORMAL0See 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
ONE1See 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA773See 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR775See 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA771See 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR769See 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
POLYGON2See 'Physics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
PORTRAIT0See 'Display' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
PORTRAIT_ANY4See 'Display' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
PORTRAIT_UPSIDE_DOWN1See 'Display' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
PRISMATIC2See 'Physics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
PROJECT2See 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
RADIUS3See 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
RETAINED1See 'Display' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
REVOLUTE1See 'Physics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
RIGHT1See 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
ROPE10See 'Physics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
ROUND0See 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
SOUND_NOISE3See 'Sounds' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
SOUND_SAWTOOTH1See 'Sounds' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
SOUND_SINEWAVE2See 'Sounds' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
SOUND_SQUAREWAVE0See 'Sounds' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
SQUARE1See 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
SRC_ALPHA770See 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE776See 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
SRC_COLOR768See 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
STANDARD0See 'Display' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
STATIC0See 'Physics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
STATIONARY4Possible touch state.
WELD8See 'Physics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
WIDTH749, for exampleSee 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
ZERO0See 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.

FunctionIconConst-Small.png Strings

BACKSPACE""See 'Display' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
CAMERACAMERASee 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
DATAdataSee 'Sounds' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
DECODEdecodeReserved for future use with Codea's sound() function.
ENCODEencodeUsed with Codea's sound() function.
SOUND_BLITblitSee 'Sounds' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
SOUND_EXPLODEexplodeSee 'Sounds' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
SOUND_HIThitSee 'Sounds' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
SOUND_JUMPjumpSee 'Sounds' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
SOUND_PICKUPpickupSee 'Sounds' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
SOUND_POWERUPpowerupSee 'Sounds' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
SOUND_RANDOMrandomSee 'Sounds' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
SOUND_SHOOTshootSee 'Sounds' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
_VERSIONLua 5.1Part of Lua

FunctionIconType-Small.png Userdata

VariableCodea userdata typeComment/link
CurrentTouchtouchSee 'Touch' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
Gravityvec2See 'Accelerometer' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
RotationRatevec3See 'Accelerometer' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
UserAccelerationvec3See 'Accelerometer' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.

FunctionIconOverview-Small.png Tables

Some tables are used as namespaces, to group together other numbers, strings, userdata, tables or functions.

_GPart of Lua
coroutinePart of the Lua basic library.
debugPart of Lua, a standard library.
httpSee 'Network' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
ioPart of Lua, a standard library.
mathPart of Lua, a standard library.
osPart of Lua, a standard library.
outputSee 'Parameters' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
packagePart of Lua, a standard library.
parameterSee 'Parameters' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
physicsSee 'Physics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
stringPart of Lua, a standard library.
tablePart of Lua, a standard library.
tweenSee 'Animation' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.

FunctionIconFunction-Small.png Functions

applyMatrixSee 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
assertPart of Lua
backgroundSee 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
backingModeSee 'Display' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
blendModeSee 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
bufferSee 'Shaders & Mesh' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
cameraSee 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
cameraSourceSee 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
clearLocalDataSee 'Storage' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
clearOutputDeprecated part of the Codea API.
clearParametersDeprecated part of the Codea API.
clearProjectDataSee 'Storage' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
clipSee 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
closeSee 'Display' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
collectgarbagePart of Lua
colorSee 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
displayModeSee 'Display' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
dofilePart of Lua
drawCalled up to 60 times a second by the Codea API.
ellipseSee 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
ellipseModeSee 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
errorPart of Lua
fillSee 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
fontSee 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
fontMetricsSee 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
fontSizeSee 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
gcinfoPart of Lua, deprecated in Lua 5.1.
getfenvPart of Lua
getmetatablePart of Lua
hideKeyboardSee 'Display' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
imageSee 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
ipairsPart of Lua
iparameterDeprecated part of the Codea API.
isKeyboardShowingSee 'Display' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
isRecordingSee 'Display' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
keyboardBufferSee 'Display' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
lineSee 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
lineCapModeSee 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
listGlobalDataSee 'Storage' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
listLocalDataSee 'Storage' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
listProjectDataSee 'Storage' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
listProjectTabsSee 'Storage' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
loadPart of Lua
loadfilePart of Lua
loadstringPart of Lua
matrixSee 'Vector' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
meshSee 'Shaders & Mesh' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
modelMatrixSee 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
modulePart of Lua
newproxyPart of Lua
nextPart of Lua
noClipSee 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
noFillSee 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
noSmoothSee 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
noStrokeSee 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
noTintSee 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
noiseSee 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
openURLSee 'Network' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
orthoSee 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
pairsPart of Lua
pcallPart of Lua
perspectiveSee 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
popMatrixSee 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
popStyleSee 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
printPart of Lua
projectionMatrixSee 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
pushMatrixSee 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
pushStyleSee 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
rawequalPart of Lua
rawgetPart of Lua
rawsetPart of Lua
readGlobalDataSee 'Storage' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
readImageSee 'Storage' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
readLocalDataSee 'Storage' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
readProjectDataSee 'Storage' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
readProjectInfoSee 'Storage' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
readProjectTabSee 'Storage' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
rectSee 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
rectModeSee 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
requirePart of Lua
resetMatrixSee 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
resetStyleSee 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
rotateSee 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
saveGlobalDataSee 'Storage' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
saveImageSee 'Storage' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
saveLocalDataSee 'Storage' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
saveProjectDataSee 'Storage' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
saveProjectInfoSee 'Storage' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
saveProjectTabSee 'Storage' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
scaleSee 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
selectPart of Lua
setContextSee 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
setfenvPart of Lua
setmetatablePart of Lua
setupCalled once when a Codea project is run.
shaderSee 'Shaders & Mesh' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
showKeyboardSee 'Display' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
smoothSee 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
soundSee 'Sounds' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
soundBufferSizeSee 'Sounds' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
soundbufferSee 'Sounds' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
spriteSee 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
spriteListSee 'Storage' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
spriteModeSee 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
spriteSizeSee 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
startRecordingSee 'Display' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
stopRecordingSee 'Display' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
strokeSee 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
strokeWidthSee 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
supportedOrientationsSee 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
textSee 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
textAlignSee 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
textModeSee 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
textSizeSee 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
textWrapWidthSee 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
tintSee 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
tonumberPart of Lua
tostringPart of Lua
translateSee 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
triangulateSee 'Shaders & Mesh' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
typePart of Lua
unpackPart of Lua
vec2See 'Vector' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
vec3See 'Vector' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
vec4See 'Vector' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
viewMatrixSee 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
watchDeprecated part of the Codea API.
xpcallPart of Lua
zLevelSee 'Graphics' chapter of Codea's in-app reference.
