OP not bypassing on bukkit

Issue #2 resolved
Former user created an issue

doesnt seem to matter what i do i can not stop OP from bypassing the plugin i would like everybody who posts a link to help make our server make money. Im not gettin any errors or anything wrong in the console but when myself or any other posts a link it does not get converted and i have false in the cofig

ad_type: int
api_domain: adf.ly
auto_reload: 'true'
- adf.lys
- j.gs
- q.gs
- example.com/asd
url_list_type: whitelist
change_commands: 'true'
op_bypass: 'false'
message: "&a[&6ad&ff.ly&a] Sending message please wait..."

EDIT: Awsome plugin other wise =)

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