Individual Asset Loading

Issue #29 closed
Matt D created an issue

Would it be possible to extend the loader node to incorporate just loading a user-defined list of assets? I currently have all my scenes additively loaded to a networking scene, which handles all the netcode. So for scene bundles, I need an individual .scene asset from the bundle. Currently, I have a Loader -> Filter Node, which only loads a .scene asset which is filtered with the name. This is just a very trivial preference, but it would be extremely useful.

Comments (10)

  1. Hiroki Omae

    The idea behind ABGT is to create workflow and you are done, rather than asking you to keep coming back to the graph whenever you add content to the project. Adding option of user-managed list sounds the contradiction of concept against this tool to me, and I also want to avoid feature duplication between built-in nodes.

    What about to add option to use search condition just like what you have in project view?

  2. Matt D reporter

    I know that the point of AGBT is that it simplifies everything, but I just want to include a single scene in the loader so I can export it as a single bundle which I can then pack into a maps folder.

  3. Hiroki Omae

    I am still not a fan of putting this as part of standard feature, but you can perfectly write a custom node to do this from 1.2. Here is an example node script that let you control manual load via assigned TextAsset.


    Example Usage: LoadByAssetList.png

    You can just drop this script into your project's Editor folder and start using. Will this solve your issue?

  4. Hiroki Omae

    FYI: ABGT 1.2 comes with "Load by Search Filter" which isn't exactly individual asset loading, but offers more targeted way to specify assets to load.

    search filter.png

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