should be able to have n graphs (not 1 global graph). also should be able to build an individual graph or subgraph

Issue #3 resolved
Charles Floyd created an issue

reason for multiple graphs is if we have shared content between graphs no merged conflicts.


include game x and game y. each game has their own graph so we can add/remove the game from the project without needing to remove/add each games graph to a global graph. also makes graphs more manageable instead of a uber graph.

Comments (9)

  1. Sam Narain

    @chbfiv I've requested the same functionality, and this feature has been added to the backlog. Can you elaborate how you are currently managing your builds; creating a generic solution is often not as efficient compared to having a genuine use case.

  2. Matt D

    Can we get an update on this? Really would be useful as we start the transition to asset bundles ASAP

  3. Hiroki Omae

    Multiple graph support just landed on dev branch. You can create new graph from Project View context menu, or import old version and create new graph from Graph Editor (button appear when no graph is selected)

    Workflow might be a bit rough. Any issues reporting/feedbacks are welcome. Please use "dev" on Versions when you report issues on dev branch.

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