Bundles not copying from cache

Issue #42 resolved
Matt D created an issue

My bundles are not copying from the AssetBundleGraph\Cache folder to the exporter directory.

Version is 1.2

Comments (5)

  1. Hiroki Omae

    @DWSMatt Thank you for reporting. Could you confirm this with vanilla ABGT? It works in my environment and not sure what causes in yours. If you can create repro project it is great.
    Also to check, are they not copying at all, or some of them are not being copied?

  2. Matt D reporter

    They are being built to the cache. However, after they have been built, they do not copy to the Exporter directory - only the Windows and Windows.manifest files do. However, they are residing in the cached directory, so I can still copy them from there. Why don't you just build them to the export directory?

  3. Matt D reporter

    @homae I updated AGBT to the latest 1.2 version and the problem is fixed. I'll let you know if this re-occurs

  4. Hiroki Omae

    @DWSMatt thank you for update. glad problem is resolved. There was a similar issue reported , so I suppose it was the same issue as Issue #36.

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