Postprocess should handle all assemblies and create instance should use FullName

Issue #47 resolved
guangyi mu created an issue
  1. In Postprocess, the original code use GetExecutingAssembly(), but it's possible there are other assemblies which implement IPostprocess interface to customize the logic. I would recommend to use AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies() instead.
  2. CreateInstance should use t.FullName since it's possible that "t" has namespace, etc.

Comments (5)

  1. Hiroki Omae

    @idlestudios thank you for reporting this. There are a bunch of areas that tool access assembly info - I will fix this issue.

    Meanwhile, I would like to make sure that I cover real use case scenario that requires this change. Would you be kind to provide me in which case you bumped into?

    I imagine that this can be an issue if you have code implement interface in pre-built dll - anything else?

  2. guangyi mu reporter

    Correct, my unity modules are pre-build dlls and would like to extend asset build process based on asset bundle graph tool.

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